Die nuwe Verdediging Sektorkode is gepubliseer op 9 November 2018 deur die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid. Hierdie Sektorkode het dan ook met onmiddellike effek in werking getree vanaf die datum van publikasie. Hierdie Sektorkode sal van toepassing wees op alle entiteite in die Suid-Afrikaanse Verdediging Industrie (SAVI) en sluit in Nasionale of Provinsiale Departemente,…
Category: Newsletter
Versuim om wangedrag te rapporteer kan jou werk kos
Werkgewers staar dikwels die frustrerende dilemma in die gesig dat hulle moet staatmaak op inligting van hul werknemers om die plegers van wangedrag te identifiseer, en hulle weier opsetlik om die inligting te verskaf. Werknemers wat opsetlik versuim om wangedrag wat deur ander werknemers gepleeg is te openbaar, kan ontslaan word omdat hulle die verpligting…
When will the ECTA be applicable?
The enactment of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 2002 (herein referred to as the ‘ECTA’) introduces some aspects which needs to be considered when creating websites for businesses and concluding electronic transactions. Transaction (ECTA definition): “a transaction of either a commercial or non-commercial nature, and includes the provision of information and e-government services”. Wherever an Electronic…
eLearning through your own device – a growing trend
With the benefits of eLearning in the workplace discussed in a previous article, the focus is now on the growing trend of micro training through your own device (Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD). Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or your Own Technology (BYOT) has gained popularity in recent years when it comes to employee training….
Defence Sector Code
The new Defence Sector Code was gazetted on 9 November 2018 by the Department of Trade and Industry. This Sector Code also came into effect on the date of publication. It will be applicable to all enterprises in the South African Defence Industry (SADI) – these include National or Provincial Departments, Organs of State, Public…
Failure to report misconduct could cost you your job
Employers have often faced the frustrating predicament where they had to rely on information from their employees to identify the actual perpetrators of misconduct, and they blatantly refuse to provide the information. Employees that intentionally refuse to disclose the identity of actual perpetrators may be dismissed because they breach the duty of fidelity towards the…